Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Early Worm Gets the Bird?...

Surprise this morning! I got up before eight! That's not the surprise, though...just a nice little tidbit that moves you into the surprise :) 

My sweet, precious Mama went outside on the front porch to water our hanging plants and after dousing the first one, decided to peek at the pile of twigs inside. She had seen a mother bird fly in and out before and was curious as to what the nest looked like. She lifted the plant off its hook to investigate and discovered:
Three Baby Birds!
Here's the plant at first glance
My sister Marley took this one!
We're not sure yet what kind of birds they are. The current general consensus is Robin. Thus, I've named them, Allan, John and Will. After Allan a Dale, Little John, and Will Stutely. The mother bird, we shall simply call Robin, since she is their leader! 

Let me mention, that "Robin Hood" by Howard Pyle is by far, in my opinion, the very best and only version worth reading (and I've read quite a few). It is written much in the style of Old-English complete with "Thee"s and "Thou"s. Yet it flows so well, you never would have guessed that it was written by an American. Our edition is from Vision Forum. I highly recommend it! 

 Please pray for them (the birds). We are concerned because of the unexpected shower they received this morning...wait! I just checked up on them and saw the mother bird there among the flowers. Then she flew away and I saw that she was brown...I couldn't see her belly...she is smaller than a normal robin, so we think she's actually a Sparrow

All this makes me ponder verses like,
"Yea, the sparrow hath found her a house, And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young," Psalm 84:3
And, "As a bird that wandereth from her nest, So is a man that wandereth from his place." Proverbs 27:8 

I looked up on biblegateway.com the words "sparrow" and "birds" . I was shocked at how many verses there are on birds!
Above is a quick sketch I drew of a robin. My Mom had some really helpful tips on technique, etc. She's an amazing artist...especially painting. I do more sketching, but she paints beautiful things like scripture and flowers all over our house! She's so talented! Now that my brother helped me figure out how to scan in my drawings, I'll be posting those more often, I think.

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