Good evening, lovely readers! I just wanted to share a bit of love with you! I've been a somewhat behind with my posts and sewing and it gave me perspective as I stepped back a little. I was listening to Adventures in Odyssey (The Inspiration Station episodes) as I was cleaning the kitchen this afternoon and as the message of the story became clear, I just felt overwhelmed with God's love! So, I want to pass that love on to you!
Whatever you might be going through, whatever you've done in the past, whatever you're considering for the future, just know that God has a plan for your life! He loves you desperately and no matter what circumstances look like for you at this moment, it's all going to work out for His glory and your good. Don't push Him away! He wants to comfort you! Just like a father wants to cradle his little child who got a "boo-boo". He's waiting with arms open and He wants, not only to heal your wounds and soothe your cares, but make them into beautiful, glorious masterpieces!
He wants you right where you are. He doesn't ask for perfection. He just wants to be your loving Heavenly Father. You don't need to watch your Ps and Qs around Him. You just need to let Him come into your life and redeem it. He is The Redeemer. And He loves you <3 font="">3>
I'm a Christian too and my kids grew up on Adventures in Odyssey! Found your announcement at HSF...sounds busy and fun! Hopefully one day I can do the same! I just graduated my youngest from homeschool. I taught them history by making them wear historical clothing! lol Bessings,
Thanks for your kind comment, Laurie! Congratulations on comleting his homeschooling! I just graduated myself :) What a fun way to teach history! Thanks for the tip ;)
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