Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just a Reminder :)

Good evening, lovely readers! I just wanted to share a bit of love with you! I've been a somewhat behind with my posts and sewing and it gave me perspective as I stepped back a little. I was listening to Adventures in Odyssey (The Inspiration Station episodes) as I was cleaning the kitchen this afternoon and as the message of the story became clear, I just felt overwhelmed with God's love! So, I want to pass that love on to you!

Whatever you might be going through, whatever you've done in the past, whatever you're considering for the future, just know that God has a plan for your life! He loves you desperately and no matter what circumstances look like for you at this moment, it's all going to work out for His glory and your good. Don't push Him away! He wants to comfort you! Just like a father wants to cradle his little child who got a "boo-boo". He's waiting with arms open and He wants, not only to heal your wounds and soothe your cares, but make them into beautiful, glorious masterpieces!

He wants you right where you are. He doesn't ask for perfection. He just wants to be your loving Heavenly Father. You don't need to watch your Ps and Qs around Him. You just need to let Him come into your life and redeem it. He is The Redeemer. And He loves you <3 font="">

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Green and Denim

Here's a quickie post to tide you over for greater posts are forthcoming. Noble pursuits are in the works and they have to do with fashion, healthy living, corsets and The 1920s! Get ready, June, we're gonna have a blast!

These were taken back in Ohio and I've had them sitting around "gathering dust" in my picture files. Fun Fact: Kansas does not have any maple trees!

Sorry there aren't any decent pictures of my shoes. They are brown flat sandals.

Shirt--Old Navy//Gift
Skirt--Made by Me
Owl Earrings--Burlington Coat Factory//$.99
Shoes-Faded Glory//$12.99

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Liebster Award...or Two!

Good evening, everyone! I hope you're having a great Saturday. Two lovely blogger friends of mine, Ireland of Ireland Rhea and Paige of Style for Real Life have nominated me for the Liebster Award! I'm afraid I'm a bit late in accepting said award (our family just moved from Ohio to Kansas) but nevertheless, I would like to honor the worthy bloggers who nominated me :)

The Liebster Award exists to help bloggers get to know each other and spread the word about your blog and the blogs you love!

Here are the Liebster Award rules:
Acknowledge the blog that nominated you. 
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created. 
List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition. 
Write 11 questions for them to answer. 
Notify them they've been nominated. 

I'm going to begin with Paige's questions...

1. What is the one thing you do everyday, almost without fail?
Besides making meals, changing diapers and doing laundry? Reading my Bible :)

2. What do you like most about where you live?
Aw man! I am loving Kansas!!! What I love most about my city is the conscious focus on the arts. There's a big, beautiful outdoor stage in one of our parks and the community band plays there every Friday.

3. What would you like to accomplish by the end of 2014?
I would love to have made a Victorian corset and an 1870s Riding Habit :)

4. What's the last book you read that you would HIGHLY recommend me?
"Gods at War" by Kyle Idleman!

5. Your favorite style of music?
Classical Film Scores.

6. One thing about you that you want the world to know?
 I love Jesus!!!

7. Quick! Pick one. Winter, spring, summer, or fall.

8. What is your view on staying healthy... inside and out?
Following the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating/living and consistant, short bursts of intense cardio workouts. 15-20 minutes of Cross-Fit-style work or kettlebells is all that's necessary.

9. If your blog has to do with fashion, who is your favorite celebrity in terms of style inspiration? If your blog has nothing to do with that, then what is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
My favorite well-dressed celebrity has to be Jenna Louise-Coleman! She has such a classy, timeless style about her.

10. Who do you look up to when it comes to keeping the faith?
My Parents, most of all. Randy Alcorn.

11. How has your relationship with God changed who you are as a person?
I have a tendency to be the most selfish, egotistical person on the planet. That was my old title. In the light of Christ, anything I might think myself melts away and things are put into perspective. 

And now to answer Ireland's questions...

1) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl all the way! Getting out of bed is sooooo hard for me and staying up comes easily.
2) Do you prefer dogs, cats, both or neither?
Dogs! Cats are prideful, consider themselves superior and don't give a darn. Dogs are just thrilled you're looking at them and they're way better at being companionable!
3) Where did you get your name?
My Mom's side of the family is mostly Scotch/Irish (McKenna) and my Dad's side of the family is Ukrainian (Rosen from Rosesweig) My middle name is after my Great-Grandpa (Classified;)
4) Do you have an unusual talent?
Hmmm...I can sew and that's becoming unusual these days :(
5) Would you rather show up at an event over-dressed or under-dressed?
Over-dressed. And that happens frequently.
6) If given a choice, would you rather perform singing, dancing, or playing an instrument?
Playing one of my instruments (Viola probably). Though I would do any!
7) What kind of job do you have (to me, this means anything from a career to getting paid to do chores around the house or babysit your siblings)? 
All of the above! I am a Costume Designer, work for The Juice Plus+ Company and I do both chores and babysitting (though I don't get paid).
8) What was the song you last heard? 
"The Second Star to the Left" by Benjamin Botkin.
9)  Food you last ate?
A piece of THM "Basic Treat Bars".
10) Part of the Bible you last read? 
1 John 1-3
11) Is there any quality you think the Lord is growing in you right now (e.g., patience, love, trust)? 
Patience and Humility :)

Here are my nominees:
Michaela of Quaintly Quaintrelle
Anna of Storia
Sarah of All Things Vintage
Amanda of Amanda Grace
Gina of Beauty From Ashes
Marley (my sister) of Marley Rosen Photography
Layla and Hagen of Two Blessed Damsels
Stacey of There and Back Again
Tara of A Lass of Yesteryear
Patrizia of Paper Mache
Desarae of Gladness of Heart

Here are my 11 Questions for you lovely ladies! Don't forget: As soon as you've posted your answers, please comment below with a link to let me know :)

1. (Hardest Question Ever) How would you describe yourself?
2. How would you describe your sense of fashion?
3. Favorite Music Artist Ever? (Aren't these questions easy?)
4. Favorite Snack?
5. What is your favorite Non-Fiction Book?
6. Favorite Fiction Book?
7. What is your favorite historical era fashion-wise and why?
8. Tea or Coffee?
9. What are your thoughts on the mismatched sock epidemic?
10. What Bible Verses have jumped out at you recently?
11. Where in the world would you travel to if you could?


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

HSF Challenge #10-Art

I was so nervous about this challenge! I scoured Pinterest and looked everywhere for an acceptable gown that I could replicate. I finally decided on this portrait of young Martha Washington. It's a modern painting by Michael Deas that imagines what she would look like when she was young. Originally, the plan was to make the gown for myself but when I went to lay out the pattern, I found that I was about a yard short of the purple satin fabric! *cue sad violin* I related my woes to my Mama and she suggested I make it instead for my little sisters! I cheered right up and got to work!

This is Mandee; #7 of our 8 children and she's 4 years old. I don't think I need to say anything in praise of her beauty because the pictures speak for me. She looks exactly like my mom did when she was 4! She also quite a character. You can see in the pictures below that she has a four year-old attitude. While she's sweet most of the time, she was having a moment when it came time to take pictures of her "princess dress", as she calls it.

This was such a fun project and I hadn't made anything for Mandee since February. I'm also halfway done with Mirial's (8) matching gown :)

I did finish the gown by Sunday but haven't got the pictures up until now. I wasn't going for complete historical accuracy here-I was going for maximum play-ability with ease of movement. I used a basic Simplicity pattern and dressed it up. Easy Peasy. And she loves it!

The Facts...
The Challenge: #10-Art
Fabric: 1 1/2 Yds. Purple Satin, 1 Yd. Gold Taffeta
Pattern: Andrea Schewe's Simplicity 3725
Year: 1750s-ish
Notions: Thread, Zipper, Elastic, Ribbon, Lace
How historically accurate is it?: Maybe 75%
Hours to complete: 4-5
First worn: For Photoshoot 
Total cost: It comes out to somewhere around $10-15