Sunday, September 6, 2009

A post to my siblings!

I know that some of you people are older sisters/brothers. Even if you're not, you might be interested to find out about mine.

This is Maxwell. More commonly known as Max. He's taller than I am which makes some people think that He's older-but he's not, of course. Max is hilarious. I believe he's going to be a comedian when he grows up!

Marley is a very big help to me. She is my best friend as well as my right-hand person. Marley can make the big people laugh and the little people follow her around like ducks! She's a wonderful sister to me

Moses is a little kermudjen. And that's almost become a nick name for him now! He's really a lot of fun to be around and he's the oldest of the youngest 3 (almost4) little ones in the family, so he has the air of an "oldest" brother.
A few weeks ago in church, Moses was called up in his little-kid worship to pray. When he was handed the mic, he covered it up with his hand and whispered to the teacher, "After I pray, can I do a little comedy?"!

Mirial is a perfect doll. She is such a little person but can certainly be surprising!

The other day, mom (who's pregnant) was laying in her bed on her back. After looking gravely at mom's belly for a minute, Mirial said, "Mom, I think the baby's crackin' out now!" How funny!

Matthew is the baby (for now) and he's got a way bigger personality than you might think at first glance. I believe he'll be a basketball player when he grows up because he's so tall and bulky for a little guy his age! And he talks too. At only two years-old he probably has the vocabulary of a 6 year-old!
He's a perky little thing, and I think that he could have cheered up even old Scrooge!

So there you have it. My awesome siblings in their awesome pictures-though I must admit that Mirial's picture is probably the cutest thing that's ever been posted online!

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